Tag: Interview

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Vijay Balasubramaniyan, Co-Founder & CEO of Pindrop – Interview Series

Vijay Balasubramaniyan is Co-Founder & CEO of Pindrop. He’s held numerous engineering and analysis roles with Google, Siemens, IBM Analysis and Intel.Pindrop‘s options are main...

Lama Nachman, Intel Fellow & Director of Anticipatory Computing Lab –...

Lama Nachman, is an Intel Fellow & Director of Anticipatory Computing Lab. Lama is best known for her work with Prof. Stephen Hawking, she...

Max Versace, CEO and Co-Founder of Neurala – Interview Series

Dr. Massimiliano Versace is the co-founder and CEO of Neurala, and the corporate visionary. After his pioneering analysis in brain-inspired computing and deep networks,...